Privacy Notice

Your data privacy is very important to us. We do not and would not sell your data to any marketing companies. We do not share your personal information with any third parties unless necessary to do so to a subcontractor or supplier in relation to our contract with you.

We keep your personal information safe and secure, and only hold onto it for a limited time as justified by your contract with us. If you have any questions about your privacy then please do not hesitate to contact us.

From time to time we might review our privacy policy and terms and conditions and make changes to it. If we do this we will always highlight it on our website.

Commercial Maintenance & Repairs

Internal alterations, office furniture moved, or complete refurbishment, upkeep of external grounds, repairs of leaking taps, blocked toilets and many more services. 

Domestic Maintenance & Repairs

Alterations, renovations, carpentry, plumbing, locks, kitchen & bathroom/wet room installations, roofing & gutter repairs and many more services offered.

Roofing Services

We offer a comprehensive range of services including Roof Repairs, Gutter Cleaning, and Flat Roof repaired.


Services include repairs to leaking pipes and taps, unblocking drains, installation of bathrooms & wet rooms.